Do you Know The Four Standard Of Throwing Events ?
It's always fun to see who can throw something the furthest, whether it's a ball, a Frisbee, or even a rock. Track and field is the place where you can throw stuff for distance as a real sport. Throwing events are amongst the oldest in track and field athletics. The four standard throwing events - shot put, discus, hammer and javelin - all involve the use of implements of various weights and shapes that are hurled for distance. In all throwing events, the object being thrown must land in a specified landing area. Discus Throw Discus throwing has been a sport since ancient Greece circa 708 B.C. and consists of throwing a heavy circular disc as far as possible. One of Greece’s most famous ancient works of art, the sculpture underlines how deeply Discus and throwing events in track and field are woven into the history of the Olympic Games. It is an event where athletes throw a 2kg plate like implement from a 2.5m circle. Discus throwing was featured in the first Ol...